Lawyers with the Paris bar (Toque B 750)
Head office: 194, rue de Courcelles 75017 Paris
SELARL with a capital of 348.000 Euros
RCS Paris registration number: 523 255 784
SIRET: 523 255 784 00010
Phone number:
Email address: gbc.avocats@cennamo.fr
1&1 Internet SARL
7, place de la Gare
BP 70109
57201 Sarreguemines Cedex
Phone number: 0970 808 911
The head, and the person responsible fo, the writing and publication, is Mr. Geoffrey Barthélémy Cennamo, whose contact information is the following: 194, rue de Courcelles – 75017 Paris.
Phone number: 01 42 66 01 42
Email address: gbc.avocats@cennamo.fr
You hold a right to access and amend information about yourself, in compliance with the modified loi “Informatique et Libertés” (IT and Freedoms act) from January 6th, 1978. If you wish to exercise this right, and obtain the release of information about you, please contact Me Geoffrey Barthélémy Cennamo, 194, rue de Courcelles – 75017 Paris.
In an effort to improve the quality of our service and to better meet the needs of our Users, the GEOFFREY BARTHELEMY CENNAMO law firm may collect nominative data about the User, especially via the use of cookies, in accordance with the section below.
In accordance with articles 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data, and article 32 of the modified loi Informatique et Libertés (IT and freedoms act) of January 6th, 1978, the Website’s Head of Publication informs you that:
- The GEOFFREY BARTHELEMY CENNAMO law firm is in charge of processing the User’s data collected on the Website, as outlined in Loi n° 78-17 du 6 janvier 1978 modifiée relative à l’informatique, aux fichiers et aux libertés (the modified IT and freedoms act);
- All your personal data is processed and kept by the GEOFFREY BARTHELEMY CENNAMO law firm, starting when you enter your information, including when you request a quote or schedule an appointment, within the boundaries of the processing of your file, whether it is a legal, judicial, or arbitration case;
- This data is recorded in a system held by the GEOFFREY BARTHELEMY CENNAMO law firm, and protected by a protected and secure IT system;
- Me Geoffrey Barthélémy Cennamo, as the Representative for Data Protection (Délégué à la Protection des Données – DPO –), is the person in charge of this file. His contact information is the following: 194, rue de Courcelles – 75017 Paris;
- If the appointment isn’t attended, this data is only kept for 4 weeks; in all other cases, it will be kept for 5 years starting on the date of the last legal or judicial act performed by the Geoffrey Barthélémy Cennamo law firm.
If, after contacting us, you deem your IT and Freedoms rights to be violated, or if the registration procedure is in contradiction with data protection rules, you can address a claim to the CNIL online or via mail.
The photographs posted on this website are taken from https://www.pexels.com/ and are in the public domain.
Some photographs were taken by the GEOFFREY BARTHELEMY CENNAMO law firm.
Any copy, modification, reproduction, adulteration, total or in part, of all or parts of the website or its content, by any means whatsoever, and through any medium, would constitute an act of counterfeiting as outlined by articles L 335-2 and following of the Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle (French Intellectual Property Code).
If you would like to use any content on the website (text, image…), you must first obtain a written and deliberate agreement from Geoffrey Barthélémy Cennamo.
Each Internet User is responsible for taking any and all appropriate measures to protect his/her data and/or software from contamination by a virus circulating on the Internet.
The Website User also states that he/she has the necessary skills and means to access and use the Website. He/she acknowledges that he/she checked that the IT setup he/she uses respects the technical pre-requisites shared by the GEOFFREY BARTHELEMY CENNAMO law firm in its terms of use, that it doesn’t have any computer virus, and that it functions correctly.
The GEOFFREY BARTHELEMY CENNAMO law firm is committed to offering available and verified information and/or tools to its Users, but it may not be held accountable for mistakes, lack of availability of the information and/or the presence of a computer virus on its website.
The website is accessible 24/7
The GEOFFREY BARTHELEMY CENNAMO law firm may not be held responsible for any discontinuity of the website or its services, whether they are intentional or not. Additionally, for maintenance reasons, the GEOFFREY BARTHELEMY CENNAMO law firm may make the Website unavailable, and it will make an effort to inform the Users ahead of time.
In accordance with articles L612-1 and following of the Code de la Consommation (French Consumer’s Code) you may, if there is a dispute, solicit the help of the Médiateur de la consommation (Consumers’ rights Mediator) with the Conseil National des Barreaux (National Bar Association). His contact information: CNB, Médiateur à la consommation, 180 boulevard Haussmann – 75008 Paris.
The Website user is expressly informed that the applicable version of the terms of use is the one accessible on the Website when he/she is browsing it.
The GEOFFREY BARTHELEMY CENNAMO law firm holds the right to amend and update these terms of use at any time and without prior notice.
Therefore, the User shall consult them regularly.
Last update: October 2nd, 2018